Name = ""; $rep->Rank = ""; $rep->WarrentNo = ""; $rep->Station = ""; $rep->Email = ""; $stationopt = getStations($rep->Station); include("repsearch2.php"); exit(); } function getStations($station){ $stationopt=''; if(!$fd = fopen("Rep.txt","r")){ $search_table="Error opening database
"; exit(); } $allstations = array(); while(!feof($fd)){ $match=0; $l = fgets($fd); $l = trim($l); $f = split("\t",$l); $allstations[$f[3]]=1; } ksort($allstations); foreach ($allstations as $key => $value) { if($key){ ($key == $station)?($sel='selected'):($sel=''); $stationopt .= ""; } } fclose($fd); return $stationopt; } function Search(){ $rep = new Rep(); $rep->Name = scrub($_REQUEST['Name']); $rep->Rank = scrub($_REQUEST['Rank']); $rep->WarrantNo = scrub($_REQUEST['WarrantNo']); $rep->Station = scrub($_REQUEST['Station']); $rep->Email = scrub($_REQUEST['Email']); $stationopt = getStations($rep->Station); //print_r($rep); if(!$fd = fopen("Rep.txt","r")){ $search_table="Error opening database
"; exit(); } while(!feof($fd)){ $match=0; $l = fgets($fd); chop($l); $f = split("\t",$l); $Name=preg_replace("/[^A-Za-z0-9 ,]/","",$f[0]); $Rank=$f[1]; $WarrantNo=$f[2]; $Station=$f[3]; $Email=$f[4]; if($Name == 'Name'){ continue; } if($rep->Name){ $names = split(", *",strtoupper($Name)); //print "L:" . $names[0] ."\n"; //print "F:" . $names[1] ."\n"; $snames = split(" ",strtoupper($rep->Name)); $sname = trim($snames[1].$snames[0]); $name = trim($names[0].$names[1]); //print "M1:" . $sname ."-".$name."\n"; //print "M2:" . $sname ."-".$names[0]."\n"; //print "M3" . $sname ."-".$names[1]."\n"; $match=0; if(preg_match("/".$sname."/",$name)){ $match=1; } if(preg_match("/".$sname."/",$names[0])){ $match=1; } if(preg_match("/".$sname."/",$names[1])){ $match=1; } if(!$match){ continue; } } if($rep->Rank){ if(!preg_match("/".strtoupper($rep->Rank)."/",strtoupper($Rank))){ continue; } } if($rep->WarrantNo){ if(!preg_match("/".strtoupper($rep->WarrantNo)."/",strtoupper($WarrantNo))){ continue; } } if($rep->Station){ if(!preg_match("/".strtoupper($rep->Station)."/",strtoupper($Station))){ continue; } } $line .= "$Name$Rank$WarrantNo$Station"; } fclose($fd); (!$line)&&($line="no results found with that search criteria."); $search_table=" $line
Search Results...
NameRankWarrant NoStation
"; include("repsearch2.php"); } function scrub($string){ return(htmlspecialchars(stripslashes($string))); } class Rep { public $Name; public $Rank; public $WarrantNo; public $Station; public $Email; } ?>