
0191 437 3000

Rest Days

Cancelled Rest Days

Annex 'H' of Police Regulations talks about Public Holidays and Rest Days. In relation to Rostered Rest Days, the wording is as follows:

    (a) A member of a Police Force of the rank of Constable or Sergeant shall, if required to do duty on a day which is a Rostered Rest Day, be granted:

      i. Where he receives less than 15 days' notice of the requirement, an allowance at the appropriate rest day rate; or

      ii. In any other case, another Rest day, which shall be notified to him within 4 days of notification of the requirement

An explanation in relation to the above points is that:

When an officer receives less than 15 days' notice of a cancelled Rest Day, they can decide to be compensated either by payment or time off in lieu at the appropriate Rest Day rate which in this case is time and a half.

When an officer receives more than 15 days' notice of a cancelled Rest Day which has become more the 'norm' for Northumbria Police, then the officer should have notified to them within 4 days the date of an alternative Rest Day. It should be noted that the Regulations state notified rather than discussed. However, it is generally accepted countrywide within other Forces, although not specified within the Regulations, that officers will be provided with a 'like for like' Rest Day, for example if cancelled on a Saturday early day, it has become normal practice to be provided with a Saturday early day in the future.

The above information is provided on the Force broadcasts in relation to Rest Day Cancellation, although it is fair to say, broadly speaking, that the notification of an alternative Rest Day within 4 days is largely ignored.

Lastly, where officers have been notified of an alternative Rest Day as per Regulations, the below will apply:

Where the original Rest Day is reinstated with more than 7 days' notice (really 9 days not including the day you are notified and the day you are due to work), then officers are required to work their original Rest Day as rostered.

Where officers receive less than 7 days' notice (again really 9 days), they can choose to work their original Rest Day for no additional compensation and take their alternative Rest Day as a day off.

Rest Day Working - Minimum periods

If you are required to do duty on a rest day you are entitled to claim compensation for a minimum period of four hours at the appropriate rate. You will also receive the relevant rate of compensation for travelling time up to one hour.

The total duty and travelling cannot exceed six hours, after this you are compensated for the total hours worked.

Please note that there is an exception for working into a rest day from a period of duty in that the first hour shall not be subject to this four hour enhancement.

If you experience any difficulty in this regard then please contact your local federation representative.

11-14 Apex Business Village | Annitsford | Cramlington | Northumberland | NE23 7BF
Tel: 0191 437 3000 | Fax: 0191 250 2961 | e: info.npf@polfed.org